Finally it was time to leave Belgium again! On the 18th of March I left Brussels together with Axel and Christophe. It's always fun if you don't travel alone.
We were afraid that we would have to pay 150 euro's for the kitegear, but it was 40. Great succes!
Always nice to have Doritos and beer during the flight!
We had a small stopover in Casablanca airport, where we met Forest and Gisela. So now it was 5 of us to play card games to kill time.
We finally arrived at Dakhla airport and when the boardbags arrived it was sick to see!
I've never seen so many boardbags at one small place!
Check the picture!
After a busride through the desert we finally arrived at the Dakhla attitude camp.
The morning after it was time for a first session!
After more than 2 months no freestyle it was nice to ride again, and it's even better with my new Brunotti board!
The wind was pretty gusty and it was choppy as hell, but it was only a warming up session.
In the afternoon we went to the speed spot. It's a super flat spot almost 15minutes downwind.
The speedspot is amazing! The wind is not gusty and the water is super flat.
Everybody was riding his or her 7 and in the beginning it was perfect for freestyle.
After a while the wind picked up and we started to jump over eachother, it was nice to ride with so many friend again in these conditions.
We filmed a little bit so I took a screenshot of me jumping over Forest Bakker his kite.
Check it out!
Here you've got another screenshot from a latemobe that I tried..
At the end of the day we had to do an upwinder back to the camp.. That was hard after a whole day of kiting! But we all made it!
We finished the day with a few cold beers and some music. Enjoying life..
The second day everybody was so tired after the first day, and it was really really windy so we took a day off.
Next to kiting and chilling there is not a lot to do, but it's still nice.
Now it's time to eat!